Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 13

We were happy to see our time and effort securing the tarp was worth the while.  Dry as a bone.  Rain was in the forecast so we set up the saw indoors and cut wood for the attic frame, rafter nogins, and rafter supports.  Since we had never built a roof, it was an interesting endeavor trying to design it.  We used our common sense and came up with what we felt was the most structurally sound with the time and materials we had.  We barely snagged the 2x4x16 ceiling joists.  There were mudslides locally, and the lumber yard had a serious problem with standing water so they closed early.  We had called and spoken with the owner's son about getting some lumber, and he said it might work if we came into town, but that he couldn't guarantee it.  So, we took a gamble because time was short before Max had to leave, and we needed to keep moving along.  Our goal is to get shingles on before he leaves.  By some miracle, we saw a truck with a guy outside the yard, and it happened to be the owner's son.  We got the lumber, and the rest is history.

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